Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Making Free Money Online

Most people aren't looking for art. They're looking for entertainment and a music album tends to be a poor choice in that regard. Entertainment is about escaping real life by immersing ones self in a world of fantasy. This is why things like movies and especially video games are doing so well. You also have to take into account the fact that most folks, the younger generation especially, are often strapped for cash and have to choose carefully where their entertainment dollars go. This may be another reason why live music performances are steadily increasing in popularity. They are far more fun than simply sitting in a chair at home, staring at the ceiling while listening to an album. Music is pleasant and certainly art to be appreciated, but entertainment-wise tends to be the most boring of all the possible options a consumer has at their disposal. Look at what happened when music and video games were combined. Titles like Rock Band were a huge success and prove the point I'm trying to get across. The music industry keeps blaming piracy for their losses while continually failing to realize a simple truth; people that appreciate music will be the ones that both download and purchase. Those who don't find music interesting are the ones that will do neither, even though they probably do listen to things such as the radio. The music industry needs to stop attacking the very people who support them as well as realize that, as a form of entertainment, the product they're peddling has very little value to the majority of society. Yes, as art it may hold a high value if it is any good and/or rare, but that is not why most folks buy an album. Adjust your prices accordingly, stop acting like greedy prick, and you will see sales go up, I guarantee it.

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I have stopped playing Everquest when the level cap was 70.

Several years ago.

I had a level 70 Wizard & Beastlord. It took me 3 years to build these characters up, the leveling was so slow & I had only a limited amount of time in which to play, Family, Friends & work always came first.

I quit because I realised just how little I was getting from the game in terms of real life advantages in the real world.

I still have 1 friend who still plays it. His hours of play are about 5 YEARS out of the 8 or so EQ has been around.

No surprises then that hes single - no job, 37 & lives with his mum.

When I visit him he is always on a raid & has very little time for me while I'm there.

So I re-activated my account for a month just to see if the game still had any interest to me. My friend invited me into his guild which lead me to a raid that night.

I arrived at the raid meeting point then spent 3 hrs waiting on everyone showing up, getting ready etc...

I sat there numb watching everyone floating up & down in levitate spells. It all came back to me in a rush.

It was like watching a film you have seen a million times but never really liked. I found the blank wall next to my monitor more interesting to stare at.

Finally the raid got underway... 10mins later 60+ dead people & a promise of another 3 hr wait while everyone recovers....

I logged off. Deleted the EQ folder, snapped the disks & felt so much better for it.

Never ever ever ever again. NeverQuest.

Guild wars rocked as I could log in play a good game no matter what level I was, then not play it again for months without falling behind my friends so badly that it was a problem.

Guild wars 2 - promises a blend of the original GW & current style MMO's like WOW. Free to play - and most importantly no need to get 30hrs a week in just to be cool.

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